Tuesday 15 May 2012

White chocolate and matcha green tea cupcakes (with matcha green tea icing)

White chocolate and matcha green tea cupcakes (with matcha green tea icing)

300g Cupcake mix
1 medium egg
60ml milk
80g unsalted butter
2tsp Matcha green tea powder (You can buy it from a Japanese supermarket)
250g icing
Some white chocolate
a muffin or baking tray
Small flowers or white chocolate pieces for decoration
Electric whisk and wooden spoon
2 mixing bowls

1)    Empty the content of the cupcake mix into a mixing bowl, add 1 medium egg and 60ml milk.
2)    Use an electric whisk, whisk on medium speed until the mixture is creamy.
3)    Divide the mixture evenly between the cupcake cases and bake in the oven for 18 minutes or until well risen.
4)    Cool the cupcakes.
5)    For the icing – use a wooden spoon, mix together the icing and butter. Beat well until light and fluffy.
6)    Melt the white chocolate in very hot water. Add the melted white chocolate into the mixed icing. Add 2 tsp matcha green tea powder into the mixed icing. Mix well until the buttercream green tea icing fluffy.
7)    Once the cupcakes are completely cool, cover the tops with buttercream green tea white chocolate icing and decorate them with some white chocolate or flowers.

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