Friday 30 September 2011

Pork toasts

Pork toasts

2-3 slices of white or brown bread, cut off crusts and cut each slice into 4 pieces
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1tbsp chopped coriander
250g mince pork
1 egg
2tbsp fish sauce
1cup sunflower or vegetable oil for deep frying

1)    Mix the mince pork, chopped garlic, coriander, 2tbsp fish sauce and egg together in a mixing bowl.
2)    Put 1 teaspoon of the mixture on each piece of bread.
3)    Heat the oil in a wok and wait until it is hot. Deep fry the prepared pork bread in the wok until both sides are golden.
4)    Serve with cucumber relish.

Cucumber relish
4tbsp Thai rice vinegar
8tbsp water
    [please note that the ratio between Thai rice vinegar and water should be 1:2 so you can make more of this relish if you wish]
2tbsp granulated sugar
¼ of the whole fresh cucumber, sliced
2 Thai shallots, finely sliced (you can replace it with a normal red onion but the taste is different)
2 fresh garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 Thai red chillies, finely chopped
1tsp peanuts (optional)
Coriander for garnish

1)    Put 4tbsp rice vinegar, 8tbsp water and 2tbsp granulated sugar in a saucepan or a small pot. Heat it on a hob.
2)    Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then remove it from the heat and leave it to cool down.
3)    Combine the rest of the ingredients together in a small bowl and pour over the vinegar mixture. Make sure that it is cool as cucumber should be fresh when served. Sprinkle some peanuts if prefer.
4)    Garnish it with some coriander (optional).

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